Sunday, September 29, 2024 bulletin


 We welcome all guests who have joined us.


Danforth Mennonite Church
September 29, 2024  11:00 a.m.
Order of Service

Words of Welcome / Land Acknowledgement

 Call to Worship (VT #854)


 Hymn: VT #78  Oh, for a Thousand Tongues


 Story for Big Kids

 Prayers of the people

 Hymn:  VT #791  Let Justice Flow Down

 Scripture Reading:  Acts 3: 1-10

 Message:  The Firm Foundation and the Leaping Hills

 Hymn of Response:  VT #364  All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name



Leading Us in Worship
Message                             Jim W.
Worship Leader              Dalton J.
Song Leader                     Kathy W.
Musicians                          Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                             Cindy R., Bethany W.
Zoom Host                         Bonnie W.
A/V Technician                Don B.

The September Hymn of the month is VT #791  Let Justice Flow Down


Adult discussion class

This Sunday we carry on with our deep dive into what the church is all about. We will be engaging with the chapter entitled, The Church as Teacher.  
All are invited, all are needed, all are welcome.


Scripture reading
Acts 3:1-10 (NRSV)

Acts 3:1 One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, at three o’clock in the afternoon.
2 And a man lame from birth was being carried in. People would lay him daily at the gate of the temple called the Beautiful Gate so that he could ask for alms from those entering the temple.
3 When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked them for alms.
4 Peter looked intently at him, as did John, and said, “Look at us.”
5 And he fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them.
6 But Peter said, “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.”
7 And he took him by the right hand and raised him up; and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong.
8 Jumping up, he stood and began to walk, and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.
9 All the people saw him walking and praising God,
10 and they recognized him as the one who used to sit and ask for alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.



A “dish with one spoon” was often mentioned by Indigenous peoples while making treaties with one another to avoid violent conflict. The “dish” represents the land that is to be shared peacefully and the “spoon” represents the individuals living on and using the resources of the land in a spirit of mutual co-operation. Often, a bowl or kettle was referred to rather than a dish.

Recently, many scholars and Indigenous peoples have come to believe that the dish with one spoon concept can raise awareness regarding ecological and environmental sustainability. One of the core values within the idea of a dish with one spoon is that those who use the land should not abuse the land. In other words, individuals and groups should only take what they need from the land so that there will be a healthy, long-term, sustainable environment. When speaking on this point, Anishinaabe and Métis historian and educator Karine Duhamel wrote that “all participants in the agreement [or treaty] had the responsibility to ensure that the dish would never be empty by taking care of the land and all of the living beings on it.”




Ladies Walking group
is back

On Tuesday, October 1, we will be meeting at 10:30 a.m. at Rosetta McClain Gardens at 5 Glen Everest Road (Kingston Road and Birchmount) for a one-hour stroll through the gardens.

An email will go out on Monday September 30 to confirm the place and time.
If you need to be picked up or dropped off, please check in with fellow walkers or email Bonnie.


We were excited to hear from Ed F’s family that he is expecting to go home in mid-October (with PSW support).  This is great news.  In the meantime, he would welcome visitors. 


We are collecting Food Bank donations through Thanksgiving. 

There are in Canada, one million persons now augmenting their food requirements via Food Banks.

Through to Thanksgiving, Outreach and Services Committee would like to encourage Danforth members to collect needed non-perishable food items for local food banks. We have connections with two – Nourish East End Food Bank at 1470 Gerrard St. at Glen Rhodes United Church, just west of Coxwell Avenue and Teasdale Community Food Bank at 40 Teasdale Ave., near Crescent Town apartments near Danforth and Victoria Park Avenue. Fazal and Murray volunteer alternately at Nourish East End Foodbank on Wednesday mornings.
Container Baskets are provided in the church foyer near the door to the Sanctuary or Meeting Room.
The most needed non-perishable food items are: 

  • Canned soups/canned pastas (spaghetti)
  • Dried pastas
  • Canned fish – tuna, salmon, sardines
  • Canned meat – Spam, canned hams, other canned meats
  • Boxed Mac’n cheese – eg. Kraft Dinner
  • Soap in bars

Cash/cheque/E-transfers are also requested, which can be donated through Church Treasurer, Roger H., earmarked for Nourish East End Foodbank and/or Teasdale Community Food Bank.
The reasoning is that Food Banks need cash to purchase items they do not receive from Daily Bread Foodbank and Second Harvest. They are often short of meat protein and/or milk so the Director purchases these from cash donations. The Director at Nourish East End Foodbank goes shopping for food items that are in short supply like meat and milk or any items that are on sale, so cash donations are very valuable for the food banks.
Thank you for your generosity,
Outreach and Services Committee –
Barb, Murray, Leslie, Ray


Worship Schedule reminder

October 6
Worship leader Sue S.
Song Leader        Sue S.
Musicians             Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                Cindy R., Bethany W.
ZOOM host         Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                Murray L.

October 13 – Thanksgiving weekend
Message                    Robert J.
Worship leader     Mike D.
Song Leader
Musicians                (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                   Leslie S., Tessa R.
ZOOM host            Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                  Roger H.




White Poppy Peace campaign

Tessa Rose has again this year, made us a selection of white poppies
Continue to wear a white poppy.

You can find more here –



Join us for

Sept. 29 The Joy of Music
…. an evening of special music including The Chimers (who meet weekly at SCOC). This will also begin at 7 pm.



Willowgrove’s Helping Hand Hootenanny Fundraiser

Join us on Saturday, October 26th from 5-7pm and help send kids to camp with folk music, food, and friends! All proceeds go towards supporting our Helping Hand Subsidy Program – providing subsidies for kids in need so that everyone can attend Willowgrove’s programs. Tickets can be purchased at




In Summary, upcoming events:

At Danforth
1  Ladies walking group – Rosetta McClain
8  Ladies walking group –
12 Men’s breakfast
15 Ladies walking group
22 Ladies walking group
29 Ladies walking group

Wider Church
29  SCOC The Joy of Music

18-19 Towards a Justice that transforms
26 Helping Hand Hootenanny Fundraiser

Community corner
29 – Oct. 27  Apple picking at Willowgrove
30  National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

Sunday, September 22, 2024 bulletin


We welcome all guests who have joined us.


Danforth Mennonite Church
September 22, 2024  11:00 a.m.
Order of Service


Land Acknowledgment

Call to Worship

Hymn: VT #114 Now Thank We All Our God


Offering Prayer

Hymn: VT #759 Take My Life and Let It Be

Prayers of the People

Hymn: VT #791 Let Justice Flow Down

Scripture:  Mark 9:30 – 37

Hymn: BB #357 O Master Let Me Walk With Thee

Message:  Calling Front Seat

Hymn: VT #778  Will You Let Me Be Your Servant



Leading Us in Worship
Message                             Carol O.
Worship Leader             Erma M.
Song Leader                     Sue S.,
Musicians                          Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                             Leslie S., Tessa R.
Zoom Host                        Bonnie W.
A/V Technician               Mike D.

Hymn of the month  VT #791  Let Justice Flow Down


Adult discussion class

This week we look at a chapter of Suderman‘s book entitled, “The Church as a Branch Entwined with a Vine.”

All are invited, all are needed, all are welcome.





Call to Worship
(#670 HWB)

Leader:  Our God, we gather to worship you, the One who creates all things.

People:  For gift of creation, we give thanks.

Leader:   We gather to worship you, the One who brings salvation through Jesus Christ.

People:    For the gift of redemption, we give thanks.

Leader:  We gather to worship you, the One who sustains us by the Spirit.

People:    For the gift of your presence, we give thanks.

Leader:    We bring to you our offerings of thanks and praise for all your gifts.

ALL:       We worship you – our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer.  Amen.


Scripture reading
Mark: 9:30 – 37 (NRSVUE)

Jesus Again Foretells His Death and Resurrection
30 They went on from there and passed through Galilee. He did not want anyone to know it, 31 for he was teaching his disciples, saying to them, “The Son of Man is to be betrayed into human hands, and they will kill him, and three days after being killed, he will rise again.” 32 But they did not understand what he was saying and were afraid to ask him.

Who Is the Greatest?
33 Then they came to Capernaum, and when he was in the house he asked them, “What were you arguing about on the way?” 34 But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another who was the greatest. 35 He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, “Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all.” 36 Then he took a little child and put it among them, and taking it in his arms he said to them, 37 “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes not me but the one who sent me.”




Ladies Walking group
is back

On Tuesday, September 24, we will be meeting at 10:30 a.m. at Rosetta McClain Gardens at 5 Glen Everest Road (Kingston Road and Birchmount) for a one-hour stroll through the gardens.

An email will go out on Monday September 23 to confirm the place and time.

If you need to be picked up or dropped off, please check in with fellow walkers or email Bonnie.


Treasurer’s Report: We received $4,842 in offerings in August. We are now $11,538 below our budgeted offering number, but due mostly to the absence of a paid Pastor we still have a $26,637 operating surplus to the end of August. Other income and expenses are relatively as expected, except for a substantial increase to our insurance premiums.
In August there was $200 donated to the Benevolence Fund and there is now $851 in the fund. Our goal, as stated in the policy, is to have a minimum of $2,000 in the fund for future situations of need.
Council approved a $300 expenditure from the John Gurr Memorial Fund. This money was sent to the Mennonite New Life Centre Toronto to help with a financial crisis at Aurora House. Aurora House provides emergency housing and support for women in abusive situations.
Donations to Danforth Mennonite Church are always welcome through Sunday morning offerings, mailed cheques or email transfers at Please contact Roger H. if you would like to join the monthly giving program which happens through bank transfers on the 15th of each month. Thank you to all for your generous support for the work of our church.


We are collecting Food Bank donations through Thanksgiving. 

There are in Canada, one million persons now augmenting their food requirements via Food Banks.

Through to Thanksgiving, Outreach and Services Committee would like to encourage Danforth members to collect needed non-perishable food items for local food banks. We have connections with two – Nourish East End Food Bank at 1470 Gerrard St. at Glen Rhodes United Church, just west of Coxwell Avenue and Teasdale Community Food Bank at 40 Teasdale Ave., near Crescent Town apartments near Danforth and Victoria Park Avenue. Fazal and Murray volunteer alternately at Nourish East End Foodbank on Wednesday mornings.

Container Baskets are provided in the church foyer near the door to the Sanctuary or Meeting Room.

The most needed non-perishable food items are: 

  • Canned soups/canned pastas (spaghetti)
  • Dried pastas
  • Canned fish – tuna, salmon, sardines
  • Canned meat – Spam, canned hams, other canned meats
  • Boxed Mac’n cheese – eg. Kraft Dinner
  • Soap in bars

Cash/cheque/E-transfers are also requested, which can be donated through Church Treasurer, Roger H., earmarked for Nourish East End Foodbank and/or Teasdale Community Food Bank.

The reasoning is that Food Banks need cash to purchase items they do not receive from Daily Bread Foodbank and Second Harvest. They are often short of meat protein and/or milk so the Director purchases these from cash donations. The Director at Nourish East End Foodbank goes shopping for food items that are in short supply like meat and milk or any items that are on sale, so cash donations are very valuable for the food banks.

Thank you for your generosity,
Outreach and Services Committee –
Barb, Murray, Leslie, Ray


On Saturday, September 21
Come and join us for
MESSY CHURCH which is a
for children 4-12 held once a month on a Saturday evening from 5-7p.m.
It includes crafts, games, Bible stories, music and dinner.  We ask that parents/caregiver accompany their children at this family event.


Our service on October 6

We don’t have a speaker for October 6 so the Worship Committee thought it might be good to spend the normal sermon time singing instead.  There will be time for about 7-10 songs.  Since it’s only a week before Thanksgiving, please send along your favourite harvest or thanksgiving song, if you have one.  Send your song requests/suggestions to either Sue S. or Bonnie at the church.

Together we will make a joyful noise to the Lord.”


Worship Schedule reminder

September 29
Message:               Jim W.
Worship leader  Dalton J.
Song Leader         Dalton J.
Musicians              Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                Cindy R., Bethany W.
ZOOM host          Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                Don B.

October 6 – a service of singing and readings
Worship leader      Sue S.
Song Leader             Sue S.
Musicians                 Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                   Cindy R., Bethany W.
ZOOM host            Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                  Murray L.


A brief history of
Christmas Eve at DMC

2017   Sunday, December 24
A morning service

2018   Monday, December 24
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

2019   Tuesday, December 24
Christmas Evening Service
The Ride – a Christmas miracle play

2020   No Christmas Eve service (COVID)

2021   Friday, December 24
Christmas Evening Service on zoom

2022   Saturday, December 24 – no service

2023   Sunday, December 24
Morning service

2024 Tuesday, December 24
            Christmas Evening service

Do you have ideas for our Christmas Eve 2024 service?  Contact the Worship committee (Bonnie, Linda, Sue or Lisa)




International Day of Peace is
Saturday, September 21
White Poppy Peace campaign

Tessa R. has again this year, made us a selection of white poppies

The first day for wearing a white poppy is the ‘International Day of Peace’, Saturday September 21, followed by ‘Remembrance Day’, Monday November 11. Many will want to wear a white poppy along with a red poppy. The third day is ‘International Human Rights Day’, Tuesday December 10. We can wear a white poppy from September 21 through December 10.

You can find more here –

International Day of Peace

September 21, 2024

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.

The International Day of Peace (or World Peace Day) is devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. At a time when war and violence often monopolize our news cycles, the International Day of Peace is an inspiring reminder of what we can create together. Peace. Let’s give it a chance!



Join us for
Sept. 22 Hymn Sing at 7pm

Sept. 29 The Joy of Music
…. an evening of special music including The Chimers (who meet weekly at SCOC). This will also begin at 7 pm.



MCC Ontario annual general meeting
Monday, Sept. 23, 2024, 7 p.m.

Grounded in the church, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity for us to be accountable, transparent and responsive to you. We invite you to join in celebrating the impact you’ve made of sharing God’s love and compassion in the lives of so many in Ontario and around the world. Delegates from constituent congregations are invited and authorized to vote. The meeting will take place over Zoom. For more information, go to


We invite you to join our daily Lunch and Learn webinars – an immersive experience to UN-learn the myths of colonial history in Canada.
Lunch and Learn sessions are aimed at an adult audience, and open to the public, and will be hosted virtually over Zoom Webinar and streamed to YouTube.
Expert matter speakers will present for 40-50 minutes before a Q&A between the moderator and guest(s).
All sessions will have simultaneous English-French, and ASL interpretation.
Truth and Reconciliation Week daily Lunch and Learn webinars are presented with the gracious support of Enbridge and the Canadian Public Health Association.


Willowgrove’s Helping Hand Hootenanny Fundraiser

Join us on Saturday, October 26th from 5-7pm and help send kids to camp with folk music, food, and friends! All proceeds go towards supporting our Helping Hand Subsidy Program – providing subsidies for kids in need so that everyone can attend Willowgrove’s programs. Tickets can be purchased at



Bethany will be selling Girl Guide cookies in the lower lobby after church starting this Sunday. The fall cookies are the chocolate mints ones but there is also a limited supply of the chocolate and vanilla sandwich cookies as well.

Sparks are at 25 girls and the Embers are at 24 Girls.  That amounts to the church being happily occupied by almost 50 girls between 5 and 8 years old every Thursday evening.


In Summary, upcoming events:

At Danforth
24  Ladies walking group – Rosetta McLain

1  Ladies walking group –
8  Ladies walking group –
12 Men’s breakfast
15 Ladies walking group
22 Ladies walking group
29 Ladies walking group

Wider Church
21  GTA Mennonite Festival
22  SCOC Hymn Sing
23  MCC Ontario AGM
29  SCOC The Joy of Music

18-19 Towards a Justice that transforms
26 Helping Hand Hootenanny Fundraiser

Community corner
14 – Oct. 27  Apple picking at Willowgrove
21/22 Danforth East Arts Fair
30  National Day of Truth and Reconciliation


Sunday, September 15, 2024 Bulletin

 We welcome all guests who have joined us.


Danforth Mennonite Church
September 15, 2024  11:00 a.m.
Order of Service

Land Acknowledgement


Opening prayer

Hymn VT #791   Let Justice Flow Down


Offering Prayer

Hymn VT #623   What Comfort our Worship Bring

Congregational Prayer

Hymn VT #536   I heard the voice of Jesus Say


Hymn VT #514   I saw a tree by the riverside

Reflections:   Influences on our faith journey

Hymn of Response VT   #606 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah



Leading Us in Worship
Reflections                       Dalton J., Murray L., Leslie S., Darlene S.
Worship Leader            Linda D.
Song Leader                    Dalton J.
Musicians                         Bonnie W. (piano). Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                           John E., Anne R.
Zoom Host                      Mike D.
A/V Technician             Fazal S.


September hymn of the month:  VT #791  Let Justice Flow Down


Adult discussion class

Welcome back to our first session of the year. Please bring two things:
1) A moment of refreshment or healing that you experienced this summer.

2) Looking ahead, how can we continue to equip ourselves to be God’s people, God’s Ekklesia in our world?


Some verses that speak about FAITH

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NASB)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.

Acts 16:14 (NASB)
A woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple fabrics, a worshiper of God, was listening; and the Lord opened her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul.

Romans 12:2 ESV 
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Colossians 2:6-7 ESV 
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.

Luke 17:5 ESV 
The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”

2 Peter 1:5-8 ESV 
For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Colossians 1:9 ESV 
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,

1 Corinthians 13:10-12 ESV 
But when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

Romans 10:17
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the Word of God.




Treasurer’s Report: We received $4,842 in offerings in August. We are now $11,538 below our budgeted offering number, but due mostly to the absence of a paid Pastor we still have a $26,637 operating surplus to the end of August. Other income and expenses are relatively as expected, except for a substantial increase to our insurance premiums.

In August there was $200 donated to the Benevolence Fund and there is now $851 in the fund. Our goal, as stated in the policy, is to have a minimum of $2,000 in the fund for future situations of need.

Council approved a $300 expenditure from the John Gurr Memorial Fund. This money was sent to the Mennonite New Life Centre Toronto to help with a financial crisis at Aurora House. Aurora House provides emergency housing and support for women in abusive situations.

Donations to Danforth Mennonite Church are always welcome through Sunday morning offerings, mailed cheques or email transfers at Please contact Roger H. if you would like to join the monthly giving program which happens through bank transfers on the 15th of each month. Thank you to all for your generous support for the work of our church.


Ladies Walking group
is back

On Tuesday, September 24, we will be meeting at 10:30 a.m. at Rosetta McClain Gardens at 5 Glen Everest Road (Kingston Road and Birchmount) for a one-hour stroll through the gardens.

An email will go out on Monday September 23 to confirm the place and time.

If you need to be picked up or dropped off, please check in with fellow walkers or email Bonnie.


DMC Announcement for GTAMFWR
DMC ‘Admissions’ Role:

Mike is inviting you to help out at the upcoming GTAMFWR (GTA Mennonite Festival for World Relief), on Sat. Sept. 21, at Willowgrove Farm.

Help raise money in support of MCC (Mennonite Central Committee): to provide foreign aid and relief; and to support peace and justice initiatives in Canada. This event has often raised about $50,000 overall, one day a year.

How to help:
Our church’s role is to handle ‘Admissions’. We ensure everyone either has pre-paid their admission online [[ ]], or else they pay “at the door”.

Yes, admission is per person (except little children).

The online $10 Admission covers Willowgrove Farm’s costs in hosting the event. Willowgrove is a Mennonite day camp (and much more!).
People who pay at the door, pay $15. That gives $5 to MCC, and Willowgrove still gets $10.

What do we do?:
Greet people as they drive in.
Ask if they pre-registered online; they should have a receipt on their cell phone, or printed from their computer.

Ask for payment from people who didn’t pre-register. We take cash, or use a ‘Square’ reader (and your own cell phone) for credit or debit card.

Thank them, and send them forward to the parking lot. (Willowgrove staff handle the parking).

Where and when?:
Where: Willowgrove is at 11737 McCowan Road, Stouffville.

When: Sat. Sept. 21.
Volunteers start arriving at about 8am, to get set up. We greet them and check their admission. The official opening is 10am, so it gets busier around 9:30. The event closes at 4pm, and we start turning people away at around 3pm.

The more people we have, the shorter our shifts. A handful of us have already committed; another handful are checking their schedules. If Mike hasn’t asked you yet, and you can help, please contact Mike.
Next steps:
Pre-register yourself online at  , even if you’re just going as a visitor.

Contact Mike D. If you can stay for a few minutes after church this Sun. Sept. 15, we can go over more details then.


There is a sign up sheet for those offering and needing rides to Willowgrove.



Don’t miss the famous quilt auction at
GTA Mennonite Festival!

Saturday, Sept. 21, 10 A.M. – 4 P.M., Willowgrove Farm, 11737 McCowan Rd, Stouffville
Mark your calendars for a day filled with family-friendly fun and the famous GTA Quilt Auction! We’re excited to showcase a stunning collection of handcrafted quilts, each one a unique work of art. From intricate patterns to vibrant colours, these quilts are a testament to the skill and creativity of their makers. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door. Get your tickets online at





Available this Sunday in the upper lobby




Men’s breakfast tomorrow morning in the lower hall.

We will be collecting Food Bank donations through to Thanksgiving.  Details will follow next week.



Worship Schedule reminder

September 22
Message:                 Carol O.
Worship leader   Erma M.
Song Leader          Sue S.
Musicians               Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                 John E., Leslie S.
ZOOM host          Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                 Mike D.

September 29
Message:                Jim W.
Worship leader   Dalton J.
Song Leader          Dalton J.
Musicians               Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                 Cindy R., Bethany W.
ZOOM host          Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                 Don B.




International Day of Peace is
Saturday, September 21
White Poppy Peace campaign

Tessa Rose has again this year, made us a selection of white poppies

The first day for wearing a white poppy is the ‘International Day of Peace’, Saturday September 21, followed by ‘Remembrance Day’, Monday November 11. Many will want to wear a white poppy along with a red poppy. The third day is ‘International Human Rights Day’, Tuesday December 10. We can wear a white poppy from September 21 through December 10.

You can find more here –



Join us for

Sept. 22 Hymn Sing at 7pm

Sept. 29 The Joy of Music
…. an evening of special music including The Chimers (who meet weekly at SCOC). This will also begin at 7 pm.



Dear Heritage Club Supporters:

Summer Greetings!
Heritage Club event at St. Clair O’Connor on Wednesday September 25 at 7:30 pm where Mennonite academic and author, Hildi Froese Tiessen, will be presenting and reading from her recent book: On Mennonite/s Writing. More information to come.
Harold Thiessen, Heritage Club Coordinator



***NEW DATE*** MCC Ontario annual general meeting
Monday, Sept. 23, 2024, 7 p.m.
Grounded in the church, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity for us to be accountable, transparent and responsive to you. We invite you to join in celebrating the impact you’ve made of sharing God’s love and compassion in the lives of so many in Ontario and around the world. Delegates from constituent congregations are invited and authorized to vote. The meeting will take place over Zoom. For more information, go to



Bethany will be selling Girl Guide cookies in the lower lobby after church starting this Sunday. The fall cookies are the chocolate mints ones but there is also a limited supply of the chocolate and vanilla sandwich cookies as well.

Sparks are at 25 girls and the Embers are at 24 Girls.  That amounts to the church being happily occupied by almost 50 girls between 5 and 8 years old every Thursday evening.


In Summary, upcoming events:

At Danforth
14  Men’s breakfast
24  Ladies walking group – Rosetta McLain

Wider Church
21  GTA Mennonite Festival
22  SCOC Hymn Sing
23  MCC Ontario AGM
29  SCOC The Joy of Music

18-19 Towards a Justice that transforms

Community corner
30  National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

Sunday, September 8, 2024 bulletin


We welcome all guests who have joined us.


Danforth Mennonite Church
September 8, 2024  11:00 a.m.
Order of Service


Land Acknowledgement

Opening Prayer: VT 879

Opening Hymn:  VT 111 – 10,000 Reasons

Call to worship



Offertory Prayer: VT 1017

Children’s Story?

Hymn: VT 791 – Let Justice Flow Down

Congregational Prayer:

Hymn:  VT 163 – Amazing Grace

Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 47:1-12

Message:  flow River flow

Closing Song: Shine Jesus Shine


Leading Us in Worship
Message                            John E.
Worship Leader            Cindy R.
Scripture Reader          Chuck R.
Song Leader                    Bonnie W.
Musicians                         Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                           Wilda S., Tessa R.
Zoom Host                      Mike D.
A/V Technician             Fazal S.


September Hymn of the month:  VT  #791  Let Justice Flow Down


It’s Hymn Sing Sunday.

All are welcome to join us in the sanctuary
at 10:00 a.m.

The adult discussion class returns on September 15.
If you would like to receive emails regarding what’s happening in our class, please contact Bonnie.


Call to Worship

One: When the world divides us

Many: Come, Holy Spirit, make us one.

One: When the world calls us orphaned

Many: Come, Holy Spirit, make us family.

One: When the world leads us astray

Many: Come, Holy Spirit, call us home.
Come, Holy Spirit, come! Come and fill this place!


Scripture reading

The River From the Temple
47 The man brought me back to the entrance to the temple, and I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple toward the east (for the temple faced east). The water was coming down from under the south side of the temple, south of the altar. He then brought me out through the north gate and led me around the outside to the outer gate facing east, and the water was trickling from the south side.

As the man went eastward with a measuring line in his hand, he measured off a thousand cubits and then led me through water that was ankle-deep. He measured off another thousand cubits and led me through water that was knee-deep. He measured off another thousand and led me through water that was up to the waist. He measured off another thousand, but now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in—a river that no one could cross. He asked me, “Son of man, do you see this?”

Then he led me back to the bank of the river. When I arrived there, I saw a great number of trees on each side of the river. He said to me, “This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into the Arabah, where it enters the Dead Sea. When it empties into the sea, the salty water there becomes fresh. Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh; so where the river flows everything will live. 10 Fishermen will stand along the shore; from En Gedi to En Eglaim there will be places for spreading nets. The fish will be of many kinds—like the fish of the Mediterranean Sea. 11 But the swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they will be left for salt. 12 Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.”




Bar-b-que Potluck
September 8
Following the church service



Worship Schedule reminder

September 15
Message:                 Dalton & friends
Worship leader    Linda D.
Song Leader           Dalton J.
Musicians               Bonnie W. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                 John E., Leslie S.
ZOOM host          Mike D.
A/V Tech                Don B.

September 22
Message:               Carol O.
Worship leader  Erma M.
Song Leader         Sue S.
Musicians               Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                 John E., Anne R.
ZOOM host          Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                 Mike D.



International Day of Peace is
Saturday, September 21
White Poppy Peace campaign

Tessa R. has again this year, made us a selection of white poppies

The first day for wearing a white poppy is the ‘International Day of Peace‘, Saturday September 21, followed by ‘Remembrance Day‘, Monday November 11. Many will want to wear a white poppy along with a red poppy. The third day is ‘International Human Rights Day’, Tuesday December 10. We can wear a white poppy from September 21 through December 10.

You can find more here –



Join us for

Sept. 22 Hymn Sing at 7pm

Sept. 29 The Joy of Music
…. an evening of special music including The Chimers (who meet weekly at SCOC). This will also begin at 7 pm.



Dear Heritage Club Supporters:

Summer Greetings!

Heritage Club event at St. Clair O’Connor on Wednesday September 25 at 7:30 pm where Mennonite academic and author, Hildi Froese Tiessen, will be presenting and reading from her recent book: On Mennonite/s Writing. More information to come.
Harold Thiessen, Heritage Club Coordinator



Don’t miss the famous quilt auction at GTA Mennonite Festival!

Saturday, Sept. 21, 10 A.M. – 4 P.M., Willowgrove Farm, 11737 McCowan Rd, Stouffville
Mark your calendars for a day filled with family-friendly fun and the famous GTA Quilt Auction! We’re excited to showcase a stunning collection of handcrafted quilts, each one a unique work of art. From intricate patterns to vibrant colours, these quilts are a testament to the skill and creativity of their makers. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door. Get your tickets online at

We Need Your Help!

As we gear up for another incredible GTA Mennonite Festival, we’re reaching out to you for support in gathering items for our Silent Auction. This is a key part of the festival, and your contributions can make it truly special!

What We’re Looking For:

  • New Items:Whether it’s a unique gadget, a beautiful piece of décor, or something fun and quirky, new items are always a hit.
  • Experiences:Do you have connections to offer tickets to a special event, a getaway, or a unique experience? These are always popular and create lasting memories for the winners.
  • Handcrafted Artisan Items:Our community has so much talent! If you create or know someone who does, consider donating a handcrafted piece to showcase local artistry.
  • Gift Certificates:From dining out to spa days, gift certificates are crowd-pleasers and always do extremely well.

If you have a contribution or want more info please contact Sheryl Bruggeling or Karen Heese at


***NEW DATE*** MCC Ontario annual general meeting

Monday, Sept. 23, 2024, 7 p.m.
Grounded in the church, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity for us to be accountable, transparent and responsive to you. We invite you to join in celebrating the impact you’ve made of sharing God’s love and compassion in the lives of so many in Ontario and around the world. Delegates from constituent congregations are invited and authorized to vote. The meeting will take place over Zoom. For more information, go to



In Summary, upcoming events:

At Danforth
8  Bar-b-que lunch

Wider Church
21  GTA Mennonite Festival
22  SCOC Hymn Sing
23  MCC Ontario AGM
29  SCOC The Joy of Music

18-19 Towards a Justice that transforms

Community corner
7    SCOC yard sale
11  Yorkshire Rose Quilters meeting
30  National Day of Truth and Reconciliation