Safe Church Policy




We believe that every person is made in the image of God, and is entitled to be treated with dignity, respect, and integrity. At Danforth Mennonite Church (DMC), we seek to ensure that all our programs for children, youth and adults provide a safe and nurturing environment. We recognize that people involved in positions of trust in such programs have an important responsibility. We also recognize the potential for abuse between adults, as they work together and counsel each other, and would like to ensure safe nurturing environments for these interactions. While we do not want to create an atmosphere of suspicion, we recognize that the potential for abuse exists within our church context.


The purpose of this document is to help ensure that DMC is a safe place for everyone in their relationships together. The intent of the policies and procedures outlined herein is to help protect everyone from harm and abuse. We want to protect persons from false allegations and to protect the church from unnecessary litigations.


The following statements are considered general definitions for the purposes of this policy:

Abuse:  To use wrongly, to maltreat, to injure; abuse is the misuse of power by a person in a position of trust. Abuse may take various forms:

Physical abuse:  deliberate physical force or action that results, or could result, in non-   accidental injury. It can include, but is not limited to, punching, slapping, beating, shaking,    burning, biting, or throwing a person.

Emotional abuse:  a pattern of behaviour that attacks emotional development and sense of self- worth. It includes excessive, aggressive, or unreasonable demands that place expectations on a     person beyond his or her capacity. Examples include constantly criticizing, teasing, belittling, insulting, rejecting, ignoring, or isolating.

Sexual abuse:  any sexual exploitation of a child, whether consensual or not. Physical,      psychological, or emotional coercion is intrinsic to sexual abuse. It is against the law to touch a  child for a sexual purpose; to encourage or force a child to touch another person in a sexual    way; to encourage or force a child to participate in any sexual activity; or tell a child to touch him or herself for an adult’s or older child’s sexual purposes. Sexual abuse can take many forms – for example, sexual intercourse, exposing a child’s private parts, indecent phone calls, fondling for sexual purposes, watching a child undress for sexual pleasure, allowing a child to look at, or perform in, pornographic pictures or videos; or to engage in prostitution.

For people other than children, sexual abuse is unwanted sexual activity with an adult using force, making threats, or taking advantage of another person.

Child neglect:  the failure to meet a child’s basic needs for food, clothing, shelter, sleep, medical attention, education, and protection from harm. Young children should never be left unattended.

Harassment:  repeated subtle or overt action, particularly by a person in a position of authority, which causes the recipient to feel attacked, demeaned, intimidated, or manipulated.

Inappropriate touching:  touching which creates feelings of violation, confusion, or isolation.   Inappropriate touching involves touching another person or asking to be touched in an area of the body that could be considered sexual.

Assault:  to cause bodily harm by inappropriately applying force to another person; to attempt    or threaten to apply force.

Section 1 –    Guidelines for Adults to Maintain Healthy Relationships with Children and Youth

Important aspects of the DMC community are promoting peace, both inside and outside the church, and caring for one another.  Human warmth expressed through appropriate touch can foster a sense of acceptance, belonging and significance. However, inappropriate touch can create feelings of violation, confusion, and isolation, which can leave lasting scars. It is the responsibility of adults to maintain appropriate boundaries. This is not the responsibility of children or youth.

The following are examples of ways in which adults can show warmth to others while protecting their own integrity.

a. Make a point of showing affection in open places where others can see and share in the warmth.  In determining whether the touching is of a sexual or inappropriate nature, ask yourself the question, “How would a reasonable observer interpret this touch?”

b. Classrooms and meeting places should create a feeling of public space, yet be conducive to good teaching. Leave the windows in the room uncovered and the door standing open whenever possible.

c. If you and a child need to talk to each other in confidence, avoid isolating yourselves. Have another adult present or stay within view of the group. If you and a child must be in a room by yourselves, leave the door open.

d. If a child is hurting physically or feeling ill and needs to be examined, ensure that another person of the same gender as the child is present in the room with you. Do not force the child to remove clothing for an examination.

e. If a child is sad and needs to be comforted, you may, with the child’s permission, show support by placing your arm around a shoulder and giving a gentle hug.

f. Be cautious about any conversations that involve sex. Children may ask honest questions about sexuality and teenagers might seek advice. Listening, with respect for the child, is appropriate.

g. When responding, be sensitive to the values and standards taught in the congregation and that may be taught in the child’s home, and avoid discussion that may cause conflict or confusion with those standards.

h. Mentoring activities are frequently one-on-one between an adult and a child or youth. Mentoring program expectations require mentors and families to choose activities that take place in public or in a home when others are present, and require mentors and parents to work out other details (i.e. transportation). Parents who give written consent for their child to participate in the mentoring program agree to these terms.

i. When supervising overnight group activities, observe extra safeguards. Ensure that congregational awareness and parental consent of the activity is clear. Under no circumstances shall an overnight event be supervised by fewer than two adults. Never allow only one adult to do bed checks. If sleeping space is to be shared, adults and children must have separate beds.

j. Be cautious about situations in which you or a child may have to change clothing, such as swimsuits or sports clothes, in the other’s presence.

k. Always respect the integrity of the child. Allow the child to back away from your well-intentioned affection if s/he so wishes. Some children may feel fearful or distrustful of any physical contact.

l. Use your common sense and good judgment to guide you in protecting the personal space and well being of the children and youth in your care.

m. If a worker/volunteer feels that s/he has been placed in an uncomfortable situation in carrying out their duties, they should file an incident report (Appendix D).

Section II – Creating a safe environment at DMC

DMC will take the following steps toward creating a safe environment for children and adults at DMC:

1.  Communication and Training:

DMC will communicate with and train the congregation by:

a.            Distributing copies of this policy to all households in the congregation;

b.            Distributing copies of this policy to new members and those who receive a mailbox;

c.            Introducing this policy by email, bulletin and pulpit announcements;

d.            Asking each member of the Christian Education Committee and Adult Education Committee and each leader of any program involving children, youth, and vulnerable people to read this policy;

e.             At the beginning of each Sunday School year, asking the Sunday School teachers to review the policy and highlight the main points;

 f.              Keeping a copy of this policy in the DMC office;

 g.            Having this policy available on the DMC website.

2.  A Safe Church Policy Committee:

DMC will ensure this policy is implemented by establishing a Safe Church Policy Committee (SCPC) consisting of the Pastor, a Council member and one other member recruited by the Gift Discernment Committee. The SCPC will meet once annually at the beginning of September. The Church Council is responsible to see that this committee is formed.

3.  General Operating Procedures:

To minimize the risk of harm coming to children, youth and adults participating in Church life at DMC, programs and personnel will abide by the guidelines outlined below.

a.            A team approach is to be used in children’s and youth ministries. Where reasonable, there are to be at least two adults present for all activities organized for children’s groups, junior youth and youth.

b.            With regard to the Mentoring Program, mentors are expected to ensure a safe environment and to adhere to these guidelines. They are expected to limit their one- on-one activities to public places or to a home where others are present, and to ensure they discuss other details, such as transportation, with the parents of the child or youth.

c.            A Consent Form (Appendix C) wherein parents give written permission for their children or youth to participate in off-site and/or overnight DMC group activities will be gathered where reasonable and kept on file.

d.            Where reasonable, there will be at least two approved volunteers in the nursery when DMC is providing childcare.

e.            Parents/guardians will be responsible for their child’s diaper changes and bathroom care. When a child needs assistance with bathroom care and a parent/guardian is not easily accessible, the volunteers will leave the bathroom door open. If possible, the volunteer should be the same gender as the child.

f.             Nursery and activity period volunteers will ensure that all children are safely delivered to their parent or guardian.

g.            If any person suspects abuse or harassment, it is their responsibility to follow procedures set out in Section III of this document.

4. Facilities:

DMC will seek to provide facilities which foster safety by the following:

a.            Windows in all doors to classrooms, offices, and the nursery;

b.            Locked supply closets;

c.             Adequate lighting inside and outside the church building.

5. Screening:

All persons in positions of trust or who regularly work with children or youth in DMC programs will be asked to complete a Volunteer Registration Form (Appendix A). This process will occur on a one-time basis for each individual, unless information surfaces that warrants further consideration.

The following guidelines will be utilized for screening of volunteers who work with children and youth at DMC:

a.            Everyone who works as a volunteer with children and youth at DMC will be asked to complete a Volunteer Registration Form (Appendix A). Those persons actively volunteering in such positions as of December 2014 will be “grandfathered” and not be required to complete the form.

b.            Volunteers who are new to our congregation will not be invited to serve in positions of trust with children or youth until they have been active participants at DMC for at least one year.

c.              For volunteers working with children or youth, who have been active at DMC for more than one year and less than five years, the SCPC will conduct a reference check. The reference check will include consultation with at least two references. A summary of the reference check consultations will be recorded on the “Danforth Mennonite Church Confidential Record of Contact” Form (Appendix B).

d.            DMC will not allow any person with a known child abuse conviction to serve in any capacity where  s/he could be in a position of care or trust with children or youth.

e.           If a pastor is aware of individuals in the congregation who, based on previous behaviour, should not be invited to serve in positions of trust with children or youth, he will inform the people responsible for recruiting volunteers about these individuals in advance. These persons will not be assigned to any positions involving working with children or youth. If a member of the congregation becomes aware of such a situation s/he is expected to inform the pastor or a member of the Caring Team.

Section III – Responding

Any incident in which there is a concern for the safety or well-being of a child or youth under the care or supervision of our church staff or volunteers will be taken seriously and will be investigated.

Ontario Law, through the Child and Family Sevices Act, requires that anyone who suspects on reasonable grounds that a child or youth is in need of protection, must report the suspicion and information on which it is based to the local child protection agency – Ontario Child and Family Services Act, Section 72.1 Duty to Report:

Anyone who becomes concerned that a child, youth or adult in the church has been treated in a way which violates this policy, is urged to express his/her concerns to a person in a position of trust at DMC. This can include a member of the SCPC, a Pastor, a Caring Team member, a Council member, or a member of DMC’s Pastor Congregation Relations Committee.

In the event that a complaint regarding this abuse of a child, youth or adult at DMC is received, the SCPC will:

a.            Adhere to standards of safety, accountability, truth, justice, and restorative healing.

b.            Avoid intrusive or leading questions with the child(ren) or youth since such questioning could interfere with an investigation and/or cause undue stress.

c.             Assess conflict of interest within the SCPC and appoint additional members as appropriate.

d.            Maintain the confidentiality of all involved throughout and following the process.

e.            Carefully document the alleged abuse, including dates, times, and content of relevant conversations on the Abuse Incident Report Form (Appendix D).

f.             Suspend the alleged offender from duties involving children and youth pending outcome of the investigation.

g.             Refrain from admitting liability or making public statements to the media or from the pulpit without obtaining formal legal counsel.

h.            Contact DMCs insurer, to satisfy the statutory conditions of our liability policy, and to avoid jeopardizing any available coverage response.

i.              Contact DMC’s lawyer for consultation as appropriate.

j.             Approach MCEC’s Area Church Minister for additional advice and support.

k.            Coordinate care and support for all directly involved. Develop plans to offer pastoral support and possibly facilitate access to clinical support to all parties involved, including family members.

Minor updates approved by Council: September 20th, 2023

Approved by Council:                     January 7, 2015

Approved by Congregation:         January 25, 2015


Danforth Mennonite Church

Volunteer Registration Form for Ministries to Children and Youth


In our desire to reduce the risk of abuse within our church ministries, we believe this information is necessary to protect our children and youth and to protect our volunteers. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

A.  Personal Information:

Full Name _____________________________________ 

Home Phone _________________________

Address _______________________________________ 

Business Phone ______________________

Cell Phone __________________________

How long have you attended DMC? _________________ 

Are you a member of DMC? ___________

B. References – Use the reverse side of this page as needed.

1.      If you have attended DMC for less than five years, please provide the name of the contact person, the address, and the phone number of the previous church(es) you attended. You may provide the contact information for an organization where you served as a volunteer or for an employer instead of the contact information for your previous church, if you wish. Please indicate the number of years you attended or were involved with the church or other organization.

2.      List all previous church work involving children or youth. Please give the name and address of the church(es).

3.      List all non-church work involving children or youth.  Please give the name and address of the organization, supervisor, type of work and dates.

4.      Name of another reference who is not a relative  ______________________________________

Relationship to you ____________________________ 

Phone Number ____________________

C. Volunteer’s Statement

I affirm that every person is made in the image of God, and is entitled to be treated with dignity, respect and integrity, and I accept responsibility to speak and act in ways that honour the individuals in my care. I have read and I understand DMC’s Policy to Ensure Safety in Relationships at Danforth Mennonite Church and I agree to comply with the policies and procedures as outlined therein.

I hereby acknowledge that the information given is correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize any references or churches listed in this application to give any information they may have regarding my character and fitness for ministry with children or youth. Except in the case of the conscious giving of false information, I release all such references from liability for any damage that may result from furnishing such evaluation to DMC. I give permission for DMC to request a criminal records check if deemed necessary by the SCPC.

Volunteer’s Printed Name  ____________________________                                            

Volunteer’s Signature __________________________________

Date ___________________________________


Danforth Mennonite Church

Confidential Record of Contact with Volunteer References

Name of Applicant:  __________________________________________________________________

Reference/Church Contacted:


Date of Contact:  __________________________

Person Contacting Reference/Church:  __________________________________________________________________

Method of Contact:  _________________________________________________________________

(Phone, Letter, Email, Personal Conversation)

Summary of Contact:


Danforth Mennonite Church

Consent Form for Ministries to Children and Youth

Name of Youth  _____________________________________________________________________

Health Card #  ________________________________

Emergency Contact __________________________________________________________________

Emergency Contact Phone #s               

Home __________________________________

 Cell ____________________________________

Family Email Address  ________________________________________________________________

I give permission for ________________________________________ to participate in this retreat/event with Danforth Mennonite Church. I give the adults responsible for supervising this retreat permission to make any necessary medical decisions and to inform me, or the emergency contact person indicated above, as soon as possible in the event of any incident.

Parent/Guardian Signature  __________________________________________                                                                             Date ____________________________________


Danforth Mennonite Church

Abuse Incident Report

Date of incident: _______________________             

Time of incident:  ________________________

Event:  ____________________________________________________________________________

Location:  __________________________________________________________________________


Leader in charge:  ___________________________________________________________________

Person making this report:  ____________________________________________________________

Details of incident or observed symptoms (please use back of this form if necessary): 




Actions taken:  ______________________________________________________________________



Others present:  _____________________________________________________________________

Response of child/youth:  _____________________________________________________________



Signature:  ____________________________________   

Date:  ______________________________

Returned to leader named above:  ________________________