Sunday, June 2, 2024 bulletin

We welcome all guests who have joined us.


Danforth Mennonite Church
June 2, 2024  11:00 a.m.
Order of Service

Land Acknowledgement


Call to Worship

Opening prayer

Opening Hymn  VT #495 Morning has Broken


Offering & Offertory Prayer

Hymn of the Month VT #365 Lord, I lift your name on high

Prayer Time

Scriptures:  Matthew 13:31-35, Psalm 78:1-3

Hymn:  VT #670 In the Bulb There is a Flower

Message:    Stories in need of protagonists

Closing hymn: VT #793 VT Siyahamba (We are Marching)



Leading Us in Worship
Message                         Johnny W.
Worship Leader         Sue S.
Song Leader                 Ed F.
Musicians                      Bonnie W. (piano),  Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                        Leslie S., Tessa R.
Zoom Host                   Mike D.
A/V Technician          Fazal S.

Hymn of the month:  VT #365  Lord, I lift your name on high

It’s hymn sing Sunday.
Please join us at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary to sing some new and some old favorites.

Our Speaker…
Johnny W. grew up rurally, in Stouffville ON, working his first jobs choring and baling at Willowgrove’s Farm, and later working as a counsellor with Glenbrook Day Camp, and an Outdoor Education instructor in the Field Trip program.

He attended Conrad Grebel where he met his now partner Leah H. – an MVSer who attended Danforth while working at Habitat for Humanity. After graduating from the University of Waterloo in Theatre and History in 2009, Johnny founded Theatre of the Beat, a Canadian touring theatre company that works to catalyze conversations on social justice. His first ever theatre production – This Prison; or He Came Through the Floor – being hosted in this very sanctuary as a fundraiser for the MVS program. In 2019, Johnny stepped down from his work with Theatre of the Beat to accept the position of Executive Director at Willowgrove, coming full circle.

Since returning to Willowgrove, Johnny’s creative work has taken a bit of a back burner, as he now oversees several charitable programs as including a nature school, outdoor education centre, a market garden, overnight camp, and day camp, and seasonal events which span across two properties, totalling 375 acres.

But that doesn’t mean he isn’t steeped in stories. Today, he’s going to reflect on one of Willowgrove’s programs in particular – one that is known for its stories. A very special place called Fraser Lake Camp.


Call to Worship

Leader: God calls us in the wind and whisper;

People: In the spirit the laughter of children and the chirping of crickets.

Leader:  God beckons u through the brilliance of stars in the night sky,

People:  The dance of sunshine on waves, and the glowing embers in a campfire.

Leader:  May we open our hearts to God’s call – to God’s Presence

May we draw near to God’s warmth and to one another,

People:  United with all creatures,  to celebrate community and praise  God.

Written by Eleanor Epp-Stobbe (Used with permission)


Scripture Reading

Matthew 13: 31-35 (CEB)

Parable of the mustard seed
31 He told another parable to them: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and planted in his field. 32 It’s the smallest of all seeds. But when it’s grown, it’s the largest of all vegetable plants. It becomes a tree so that the birds in the sky come and nest in its branches.”

Parable of the yeast
33 He told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast, which a woman took and hid in a bushel of wheat flour until the yeast had worked its way through all the dough.”

Purpose of parables to the crowds
34 Jesus said all these things to the crowds in parables, and he spoke to them only in parables. 35This was to fulfill what the prophet spoke:
I’ll speak in parables;
        I’ll declare what has been hidden since the beginning of the world.

Psalm 78:1-3 (CEB)

1Listen, my people, to my teaching;
tilt your ears toward the words of my mouth.
2 I will open my mouth with a proverb.
I’ll declare riddles from days long gone—
       ones that we’ve heard and learned about,
ones that our ancestors told us.




We need to replenish our
Little Library.  Drop off your books in the cart in the lower lobby.  Please – no oversize books.



Ladies Walking group

As a group, we have not been to this park in the past.

On Tuesday, June 4 at 10:30 am (weather permitting), we will meet at Cedar Ridge Park at 225 Confederation Drive.  For those living near the church, take Kingston Road east.  Turn left onto Scarborough Golf Club Road, going north to Confederation Drive.  Turn right onto Confederation Drive.  Follow to Tingle Cres. on the right for the parking lot.  It’s approximately 26 minutes from the church.

An email will go out on Monday June 3 to confirm the place and time.

If you need to be picked up or dropped off, please check in with fellow walkers or email Bonnie.


Summer Hours will
commence June 30.
Our Church service will be
10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
There will be no Adult Class or
Hymn Sing during the summer.



Worship Schedule reminder

June 9
Message:               Michael V. D.
Worship leader  Linda D.
Song Leader         Kathy W.
Musicians              Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                John E., Leslie S.
ZOOM host          Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                Mike D.

June 16
Message:                Carol O.
Worship leader   Linda D.
Song Leader          Dalton J.
Musicians              Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                 John E., Anne R.
ZOOM host          Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                 Fazal S.




Save the Date
Joint Service and Potluck

at Willowgrove on August 17-18 from 10:30am – 4pm.

Swimming, wagon rides, games, and more.
For more details please visit

Google Form for Joint Service & Picnic

Leah R-K. will be offering a workshop titled: 
Tending Hope: supporting parents & caregivers
to talk about climate change

This is an interactive workshop to help people who love and care about the young people in their lives to have courageous and hopeful conversations about climate change.

Drawing on her book Tending Tomorrow: Courageous Change for People and Planet, Leah will provide practical examples and resources. Participants will also be encouraged to reflect on their own faith and wisdom traditions to think about what has sustained them to live in hope during times of adversity, and how they can share this with the young people in their lives.

Between the River and the Sea:  A Lunch and Learn Conversation

with Jeff Halper
June 25, 2024
12-1 p.m.
Community Room, 50 Kent Ave., Kitchener

Join the MCEC Palestine Israel Network Working Group as they welcome Jeff Halper, an Israeli anthropologist working to address injustice against Palestinian people. Jeff will speak for 30 minutes, leaving time for discussion.

Jeff is a founding member of the Palestinian-led One Democratic State Campaign (ODSC), will present the ODSC’s program for replacing Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory with a democratic state of equal rights for all – including the returning refugees. This, he argues, is the only substantially just way forward, but it is strewn with complex and difficult issues we will discuss.

More Information

The constituency-based MCEC Palestine Israel Network Working Group serves the MCEC constituency by promoting awareness and education on specific issues and topics. The information and links are those of the Working Group and do not necessarily represent MCEC as a whole.



Mennonite Church Canada Annual General Meeting
Saturday, June 22, 12:00-1:30 p.m. Central time
Online – Zoom

Join our nationwide community of faith for Mennonite Church Canada’s Annual General Meeting. Along with our business agenda, we will hear updates from our program directors, enjoy worship and reflect together as Joint Council members share what God has showed them over the past year. All are welcome. Agenda, information packet, audited financial statements, and registration portal coming soon.


In summary, upcoming events

At Danforth
4  Ladies walking group – Cedar Ridge Park
8  Men’s breakfast
11 Ladies walking group
18  Ladies walking group
25 Ladies walking group – last walk until Sept.
30  Summer hours – service at 10:30 a.m.

17/18 Willowgrove joint service

Wider Church
2  TCMC Fundraising Event

Community corner
1 Spring Festival
9  Pax Christi Chorale