All posts by danforth mennonite church

The Danforth Mennonite Church, at 2174 Danforth Ave. in Toronto, is wheelchair-accessible. Tim Reimer is our pastor, and Bonnie Wright is the administrator. ........ Call us at (416) 422-2406 . ....... Email Pastor Reimer at timapreimer @ . .. Email Carolyn at danforthmennonitechurch @ .

Sunday, October 20, 2024 bulletin


 We welcome all guests who have joined us.


 Danforth Mennonite Church
October 20, 2024   11:00 a.m.
Order of Service

Land Acknowledgment


Call to Worship

Hymn:  VT #747  We Plow the Fields and Scatter


Hymn:  VT #118   In the Lord I’ll be Ever Thankful


VT# 70 Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Congregational Prayer

Scripture:  Isaiah 58:1-11

Hymn: VT #750  God of the Fertile Fields

Message: Room at the table

Benediction:   #810  Go, My Friends, in Grace

Leading Us in Worship
Message                             Carol O.
Scripture reading          Mark C.
Worship Leader             Bonnie W.
Song Leader                     Kathy W.
Musicians                          Roger H. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                             Leslie S., Tessa R.
Zoom Host                        Mike D.
A/V Technician               Fazal S.

October hymn of the month:  VT #118  In the Lord I’ll be Ever Thankful


Adult Discussion Class

This Sunday we complete our deep dive into God’s purpose for the church in the world. We will be engaging with the final chapter in our book study entitled, “A Community of Hope.”  All are invited, all are needed, all are welcome.


Call to Worship

Leader:  We are children of God:

People:  Called to praise, and to bless and to show mercy.

Leader:  We are citizens of a nation:

People:  Called to care, and to respond, and to share our freedom.

Leader:  We are members of a community; Called to know each other, and to
accept each other, and to welcome all.

People:  We belong to God, and through God, to one another.

All:  May our hearts be as one. Let us worship our God.


Scripture reading
Isaiah 58:1-11 (NRSVUE)

False and True Worship
58 Shout out; do not hold back!
Lift up your voice like a trumpet!
Announce to my people their rebellion,
to the house of Jacob their sins.
Yet day after day they seek me
and delight to know my ways,
as if they were a nation that practiced righteousness
and did not forsake the ordinance of their God;
they ask of me righteous judgments;
they want God on their side.
“Why do we fast, but you do not see?
Why humble ourselves, but you do not notice?”
Look, you serve your own interest on your fast day
and oppress all your workers.
You fast only to quarrel and to fight
and to strike with a wicked fist.
Such fasting as you do today
will not make your voice heard on high.
Is such the fast that I choose,
a day to humble oneself?
Is it to bow down the head like a bulrush
and to lie in sackcloth and ashes?
Will you call this a fast,
a day acceptable to the Lord?

Is not this the fast that I choose:
to loose the bonds of injustice,
to undo the straps of the yoke,
to let the oppressed go free,
and to break every yoke?
Is it not to share your bread with the hungry
and bring the homeless poor into your house;
when you see the naked, to cover them
and not to hide yourself from your own kin?
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn,
and your healing shall spring up quickly;
your vindicator shall go before you;
the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer;
you shall cry for help, and he will say, “Here I am.”

If you remove the yoke from among you,
the pointing of the finger, the speaking of evil,
10 if you offer your food to the hungry
and satisfy the needs of the afflicted,
then your light shall rise in the darkness
and your gloom be like the noonday.
11 The Lord will guide you continually
and satisfy your needs in parched places
and make your bones strong,
and you shall be like a watered garden,
like a spring of water
whose waters never fail.




Ladies Walking group

On Tuesday, October 22, we will meet at 10:30 a.m. at Birkdale (enter off of Brimley – north of Lawrence) for a one-hour stroll on the trail.

An email will go out on Monday October 21 to confirm the place and time.

If you need to be picked up or dropped off, please check in with fellow walkers or email Bonnie.

Come join us



DMC’s search for our next long-term pastor is in a new phase

Council has accepted the recommendation from the Pastoral Search Team, to consider Pieter N. for this position. He has served as pastor in a sister congregation in York Region, and currently attends Toronto United Mennonite Church. You may remember Pieter being a guest speaker at DMC from time to time.

In October, those committees and teams that work most closely with the pastor, will meet with Pieter so they can become better acquainted. Roger, our treasurer, will also determine what salary Pieter would deserve based on the MC Canada guidelines.

On Sun. Nov. 3, Pieter will again be our guest speaker. Following the service, we will take time to meet him. That time will be especially valuable for those who attend by Zoom. Afterwards, we will hold a potluck lunch and spend further time with him.

On Sun. Nov. 10, we will hold a congregational meeting after the worship service, to decide whether to invite Pieter to become our next long-term pastor. This meeting will include the Zoom participants.

We welcome and encourage everyone who attends DMC to participate fully in these two November events.

Mike D., on behalf of Council and the Transition Team.




Why two Sunday potluck lunches in a row?

A few months ago, we asked Stephen R. and his family if they would do the service on October 27th.  With the distance that they have to travel and wanting to catch up on their lives, we thought this would be an idea time to have a potluck lunch.

Since scheduling in Stephen, we were able to switch out a speaker so that Peter N. (Pastor candidate) could properly introduce himself and speak and then have a question-and-answer time after the service.  This again was a perfect opportunity to meet afterwards for fellowship.

NO more potlucks until December 14 – DMC Christmas banquet.


 Treasurer’s Report: We received $6,367 in offerings in September. We are now well below our budgeted offering number, but due mostly to the absence of a paid Pastor we still have a substantial operating surplus to the end of September. Please refer to Church Council Minutes for more financial details on our 2024 budget.

In September there was $100 donated towards our Foodbank Fund. Although the fund is open for donations all year, during the Thanksgiving month of October, the Outreach and Service Committee is encouraging cash donations, in addition to the non-perishable food items they are collecting. Please designate your donation as “Food Bank” and it will be passed on to the Nourish East End Foodbank, or the 40 Teesdale Foodbank. (Please see the announcement from the Outreach and Service Committee for more details)

Donations to Danforth Mennonite Church are always welcome through Sunday morning offerings, mailed cheques or email transfers at Please contact Roger H. if you would like to join the monthly giving program which happens through bank transfers on the 15th of each month. Thank you to all for your generous support for the work of our church.


 Worship Schedule reminder

October 27
Message                       Stephen R.
Scripture reading    Merle and Daniel R.
Worship leader        Carol R.
Song Leader               Stephen R.
Musicians                    Karen R. (piano), Stephen R. (guitar), Merle R. (trumpet)
Greeters                      Vic & Mary Jane G.
ZOOM host               Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                      Mike D.

November 3
Message                      Pieter N.
Worship leader      Margaret A.
Song Leader
Musicians                 Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                    Vic & Mary Jane G.
ZOOM host             Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                   Murray L.


White Poppy Peace campaign

Tessa Rose has again this year, made us a selection of white poppies
Continue to wear a white poppy.
You can find out more at


Thank you for your donations to the Food Bank. 
The food donations were delivered on Wednesday to the Nourish East End Food Bank.  Fazal and Murray volunteer at this location.

There is still time to donate with a Cash, cheque or E-transfer.  The donations can be donated through our Church Treasurer, Roger H., earmarked for Nourish East End Foodbank and/or Teasdale Community Food Bank.




Please join us at 7:00 p.m.

October 20 Hymn Sing
October 27 Liturgical Prayers and Hymns

Join Us for our Event
Note from Murray:  This webinar - November 2nd from the CPT-IK (Iraqi Kurdistan) may be of interest to some of us. I’m sure Dale Hildebrand will be part of it.

On November 2nd CPT-IK will host an online webinar on its latest report that documented and verified all civilian casualties by Turkish and Iranian military operations in Northern Iraq since 1991.  The report also documented broader civilian impacted and highlighted a number of stores underscoring the targeting of civilians in military incursions by both the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
The webinar will be open to questions.  Please sign up in the link below.



Hybrid Event
Saturday, November 16, 2024, 1 – 5 p.m.

Dear Friends in Peace,

It is very exciting for me to announce the upcoming Annual Conference, Voices for Peace, which has returned after a hiatus of two years.  Now, more than ever, such a Conference is needed.  This year, we are honoured to have, as our guest speaker, an Indigenous Elder well-known for his wisdom and story-telling, Adrian Jacobs (an Indigenous Six Nations man, who spoke at Danforth maybe more than a decade ago.)  This event is organized by several faith-based organizations and faith communities; however, its content and spirit is open and very relevant to, all people who long for a path to Peace.

The afternoon will be very interactive with music, story-telling, group-sharing, and a special art installation on the theme of Peace. We will leave feeling inspired, wiser, and supported by a community walking the path together.  So that as many as possible can experience this gift, the event will be hybrid.  It will be in-person at the Church of the Redeemer and online.   The event is FREE, and donations are invited.





In Summary, upcoming events:

At Danforth
19  Messy Church
22 Ladies walking group
29 Ladies walking group

3  Meet our pastor candidate
5  Ladies walking group
9 Men’s breakfast
10  DMC pastor vote
12  Ladies walking group
19  Ladies walking group

14  DMC Christmas banquet

Wider Church
18-19 Towards a Justice that transforms

Community corner
1 – 27  Apple picking at Willowgrove

16  Mark Battenberg

Sunday, October 13, 2024 bulletin


We welcome all guests who have joined us.


Danforth Mennonite Church
October 13, 2024   11:00 a.m.
Order of Service


Land Acknowledgment

Call to Worship

Hymn:  VT #28  Come, Christians, Join to Sing


Hymn:  VT #114   Now Thank We All Our God

Hymn:  VT #118   In the Lord I’ll be Ever Thankful


Hymn:  VT #701  You are All We Have

Congregational Prayer

Scripture:  John 3:16 – 17,   James 1:16 – 17  

Hymn: Count Your Blessings (handout)

Message: Thanks for all gifts

Closing hymn: VT #832  The Lord Lift You Up


 Leading Us in Worship
Message                             Robert J.
Worship Leader             Mike D.
Song Leader                     Kathy W.
Musicians                          Roger H. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                             Leslie S., Tessa R.
Zoom Host                        Bonnie W.
A/V Technician               Murray L.

October Hymn of the Month:  VT #118  In the Lord I’ll be Ever Thankful


Adult Discussion Class

Read Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.


  • Experience of reading the letter?
  • What part of DMC life resonates with this letter?



Call to Worship

Leader:     We gather to worship, praise, and thank our God…

People:     God the Creator; Jesus the Redeemer; and the Holy Spirit, the Sustainer.

Leader:     We are reminded to give thanks to God,

People:     who gives every good and perfect gift.

All:     Thanks be to God, our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer.


Scripture reading

John 3: 16 – 17 (NIV)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

James 1:16 – 17 (NIV) 
16 Don’t be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.




Danforth Grow Hope Fall Field Visit
Saturday, October 19, 2:30 pm at the field near Stouffville

There may be a demonstration harvest of the field of soybeans. Danforth Mennonite has paid for one acre. The harvested soybeans will be sold, and the Canadian government will increase the benefit four times. The money raised will go to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank which will aid in countries where there are food shortages.

If you are interested in attending, please speak to Murray L. or Leslie S. Danforth Grow Hope will try to provide rides where needed.


DMC’s search for our next long-term pastor is in a new phase

Council has accepted the recommendation from the Pastoral Search Team, to consider Pieter N. for this position. He has served as pastor in a sister congregation in York Region, and currently attends Toronto United Mennonite Church. You may remember Pieter being a guest speaker at DMC from time to time.

In October, those committees and teams that work most closely with the pastor, will meet with Pieter so they can become better acquainted. Roger, our treasurer, will also determine what salary Pieter would deserve based on the MC Canada guidelines.

On Sun. Nov. 3, Pieter will again be our guest speaker. Following the service, we will take time to meet him. That time will be especially valuable for those who attend by Zoom. Afterwards, we will hold a potluck lunch and spend further time with him.

On Sun. Nov. 10, we will hold a congregational meeting after the worship service, to decide whether to invite Pieter to become our next long-term pastor. This meeting will include the Zoom participants.

We welcome and encourage everyone who attends DMC to participate fully in these two November events.
Mike D., on behalf of Council and the Transition Team.


Ladies Walking group

On Tuesday, October 15, we will meet at 10:30 a.m. at Warden Woods (enter off Pharmacy) for a one-hour stroll on the trail.

An email will go out on Monday October 14 to confirm the place and time.

If you need to be picked up or dropped off, please check in with fellow walkers or email Bonnie.


Treasurer’s Report: 

We received $6,367 in offerings in September. We are now well below our budgeted offering number, but due mostly to the absence of a paid Pastor we still have a substantial operating surplus to the end of September. Please refer to Church Council Minutes for more financial details on our 2024 budget.

In September there was $100 donated towards our Foodbank Fund. Although the fund is open for donations all year, during the Thanksgiving month of October, the Outreach and Service Committee is encouraging cash donations, in addition to the non-perishable food items they are collecting. Please designate your donation as “Food Bank” and it will be passed on to the Nourish East End Foodbank, or the 40 Teesdale Foodbank. (Please see the announcement from the Outreach and Service Committee for more details)

Donations to Danforth Mennonite Church are always welcome through Sunday morning offerings, mailed cheques or email transfers at Please contact Roger H. if you would like to join the monthly giving program which happens through bank transfers on the 15th of each month. Thank you to all for your generous support for the work of our church.


We are collecting Food Bank donations through Thanksgiving. 

There are in Canada, one million persons now augmenting their food requirements via Food Banks.

Through to Thanksgiving, Outreach and Services Committee would like to encourage Danforth members to collect needed non-perishable food items for local food banks. We have connections with two – Nourish East End Food Bank at 1470 Gerrard St. at Glen Rhodes United Church, just west of Coxwell Avenue and Teasdale Community Food Bank at 40 Teasdale Ave., near Crescent Town apartments near Danforth and Victoria Park Avenue. Fazal and Murray volunteer alternately at Nourish East End Foodbank on Wednesday mornings.
Container Baskets are provided in the church foyer near the door to the Sanctuary or Meeting Room.

The most needed non-perishable food items are: 

  • Canned soups/canned pastas (spaghetti)
  • Dried pastas
  • Canned fish – tuna, salmon, sardines
  • Canned meat – Spam, canned hams, other canned meats
  • Boxed Mac’n cheese – eg. Kraft Dinner
  • Soap in bars

Cash/cheque/E-transfers are also requested, which can be donated through Church Treasurer, Roger H., earmarked for Nourish East End Foodbank and/or Teasdale Community Food Bank.

The reasoning is that Food Banks need cash to purchase items they do not receive from Daily Bread Foodbank and Second Harvest. They are often short of meat protein and/or milk so the Director purchases these from cash donations. The Director at Nourish East End Foodbank goes shopping for food items that are in short supply like meat and milk or any items that are on sale, so cash donations are very valuable for the food banks.
Thank you for your generosity,
Outreach and Services Committee –
Barb, Murray, Leslie, Ray


Worship Schedule reminder

October 20
Message                  Carol O.
Worship leader   Bonnie W.
Song Leader          Bonnie W.
Musicians               Roger H. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                 Leslie S., Tessa R.
ZOOM host           Mike D.
A/V Tech                Fazal S.

October 27
Message                        Stephen R.
Scripture reading    Merle and Daniel R.
Worship leader         Carol R.
Song Leader                Stephen R.
Musicians                     Karen R. (piano), Stephen R. (guitar),
Merle R.  (trumpet)
Greeters                      Vic & Mary Jane G.
ZOOM host                Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                      Mike D.




Hurricane Helene Update

From Mennonite Disaster Service

Hurricane Helene made landfall on Thursday evening September 26, as a Category 4 hurricane in the Big Bend area of Florida. The storm pushed inland into Georgia, South and North Carolina and southern Virginia. Western North Carolina appears to be especially hard hit.

For the next few days MDS volunteers will be clearing roads, removing trees and other debris in the Asheville area that has been hit by Hurricane Helene. We are investigating and monitoring the area to see if MDS can expand our response.

If you feel led to give monetary donations or if you would like to volunteer, please use the links below. MDS has not started scheduling at this time.




Helene Volunteer Waitlist

Join Us for our Event

Note from Murray:  This webinar – November 2nd from the CPT-IK (Iraqi Kurdistan) may be of interest to some of us. I’m sure Dale Hildebrand will be part of it.

On November 2nd CPT-IK will host an online webinar on its latest report that documented and verified all civilian casualties by Turkish and Iranian military operations in Northern Iraq since 1991.  The report also documented broader civilian impacted and highlighted a number of stores underscoring the targeting of civilians in military incursions by both the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

The webinar will be open to questions.  Please sign up in the link below.


Hybrid Event
Saturday, November 16, 2024, 1 – 5 p.m.

Dear Friends in Peace,

It is very exciting for me to announce the upcoming Annual Conference, Voices for Peace, which has returned after a hiatus of two years.  Now, more than ever, such a Conference is needed.  This year, we are honoured to have, as our guest speaker, an Indigenous Elder well-known for his wisdom and story-telling, Adrian Jacobs (an Indigenous Six Nations man, who spoke at Danforth maybe more than a decade ago.)  This event is organized by several faith-based organizations and faith communities; however, its content and spirit is open and very relevant to, all people who long for a path to Peace.

The afternoon will be very interactive with music, story-telling, group-sharing, and a special art installation on the theme of Peace. We will leave feeling inspired, wiser, and supported by a community walking the path together.  So that as many as possible can experience this gift, the event will be hybrid.  It will be in-person at the Church of the Redeemer and online.   The event is FREE, and donations are invited.




Please join us for our
Thanksgiving service with Communion
on October 13 at 7:00 p.m.





To hear some of Mark’s music, go to:


In Summary, upcoming events:

At Danforth

12 Men’s breakfast
15 Ladies walking group – Warden Woods
22 Ladies walking group
29 Ladies walking group

3  Meet our pastor candidate
5  Ladies walking group
9 Men’s breakfast
10  DMC pastor vote
12  Ladies walking group
19  Ladies walking group

Wider Church

18-19 Towards a Justice that transforms

Community corner

1 – 27  Apple picking at Willowgrove
26  Mark Battenberg

Sunday, October 6, 2024 bulletin


We welcome all guests who have joined us.


Danforth Mennonite Church
October 6, 2024  11:00 a.m.
Order of Service



Part 1:  World Communion Sunday

Introduction and Sue’s communion story

Call to Worship:  VT #856

Opening Hymn:  VT #118 In the Lord I’ll be Ever Thankful

Scripture readings:  1 Corinthians 12:12-13, Ephesians 4:1-6

Nicene Creed

Hymn: VT #10 Here in this Place

Prayer Time

Prayers of Intercession


 Part 2: If the War Goes On

 Introduction to Part 2

Hymn:    VT #794 verse 2

Prayer and reflection 1

Story: Christians in Gaza

Hymn:    VT #794 verse 1 & 3

Prayer and reflection 2

Hymn:    VT #794 verse 5

Concluding words

Closing hymn: VT #797 We Are People of God’s Peace



Leading Us in Worship
Worship Leader           Sue S.
Song Leader                   Sue S.
Musicians                        Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                          Cindy R., Bethany W.
Zoom Host                     Bonnie W.
A/V Technician            Murray L.


Hymn of the Month:  VT #118  In the Lord I’ll be Every Thankful


It’s Hymn Sing Sunday.
All are welcome to join us in the sanctuary
at 10:00 a.m.



The adult discussion class returns on October 13.  If you would like to receive emails regarding what’s happening in our class, please contact Bonnie.


Scripture reading

1 Corinthians 1:12-13

One Body with Many Members
12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 13 For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.

Ephesians 4:1-6 

Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called;
one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.


The Nicene Creed

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, visible and invisible.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father,
Light from Light, true God from true God,
begotten, not made; of one Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us all, and for our salvation he came down from heaven;
and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary,
and was made human.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered and was buried.
On the third day he rose from the dead in accordance with the scriptures.
He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father.
Who, with the Father and the Son, is worshipped and glorified,
who has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
We confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look forward to the resurrection of the dead,
and to life in the age to come. Amen.


Prayers of Intercession

Reader 1:   For all things were made out of nothing, and their being would again sink into nothing, if the Author of all things did not hold it by the hand of governance. (Gregory the Great [c. 540-604])

Reader 2:    Lord of life, we receive all creation from your hand and by your providence. Teach us to live in your world with care and justice for all that you have created.

All:  We believe, help our unbelief.

Reader 1:   I call this faith: the intelligible light which by grace dawns in the soul, that supports the heart, and grants the gift of hope. (Isaac of Nineveh [7th century])

Reader2:   Loving God, grant us the gift of hope in abundance in a world troubled by strife and discord. Strengthen your people afflicted by apathy and division.

All:  We believe, help our unbelief.

Reader 1:   What wonder then, if, coming to God, we first of all profess that we believe, seeing that, without this, not even common life can be lived. (Rufinus of Aquileia [c. 344-411])

Reader 2:   Merciful God, forgive us for the times we have failed to live a common life as Christians. Draw us more deeply to one faith in you so that we may witness to the world.

All:   We believe, help our unbelief.

Reader 1:   Let faith prevail: faith that leads the mind to trust, faith that does not come from human logic, but is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. (Basil of Caesarea [c. 330-378])

Reader 2:   O heavenly Comforter, we pray that we may trust more in the gift of your wisdom rather than the cleverness of our thinking.

All:   We believe, help our unbelief.

Reader 1:   His light appeared and made the darkness of the prison disappear and hallowed our birth and destroyed death, loosing those same fetters in which we were enchained. (Irenaeus of Lyon [c. 135-198])

Reader 2:   Compassionate Lord, lead us to work together so that wherever there is darkness and oppression, suffering and injustice, we may bring your light and freedom.

All:   We believe, help our unbelief.


If the War Goes On

A Service of Lament for the Events of October 7, 2023 and the Ongoing Destruction of Gaza

Acknowledgements: “If the War Goes On” grew out of a liturgy of lament developed by Jewish peace activists from “Halachic Left” and “All That’s Left.” [; It was discovered by Mennonite Church Alberta Palestine Israel chair Suzanne Gross, pastor at Holyrood Mennonite Church, Edmonton. Inspired, Suzanne drafted a liturgy for church settings based on that liturgy and offered it to her colleagues on the national MC Canada Palestine-Israel Network (Esther Epp-Tiessen, Jo Hiebert Bergen, Jeanette Hanson, and Byron Rempel-Burkholder) for further refining and promotion.
In the introduction to their guided readings for Tisha b’av, a Jewish holy day commemorating the destruction of the two temples, they ask:
“How do we internalize that our grief for Israeli victims of October 7th is not counter to, but inextricable from, mourning the loss of tens of thousands of Gazans? What does mourning look like when we are not in the aftermath of the devastation but still in its midst? Can we confront trauma in a way that portends redemption instead of using our pain as a justification for further destruction?”

None of these questions have simple answers, but, for now, we exist in a place of brokenness and rupture… [a place of] of inarticulable horror. “

Introduction to the service of lament

Hymn VT #794 If the War Goes On verse 2

Prayer and reflection 1

God of love and justice, today we confess our human limitations in holding the histories and traumas of the people of Palestine-Israel with the mercy and wisdom required for your peace to prevail for all your children.  We pray for patience and wisdom as we seek out the voices that will help us free the truth for the sake of your Kingdom.  We join the Psalmist and the writer of Lamentations:

From the Psalms:
All my longings lie open before you, Lord; my sighing is not hidden from you. My heart pounds, my strength fails me; even the light has gone from my eyes. My friends and companions avoid me because of my wounds; my neighbors stay far away. (Psalm 38:9-11)

From the book of Lamentations (taken from various translations):
How does the city sit solitary?  She weeps sore in the night.  She has none to comfort her.  Her infants are gone into captivity before the enemy. (1:1-2)
Fear and the pit have come upon us, desolation and destruction. (3:47)
He has destroyed his place of assembly. (2:6)
You heard my plea, “Do not close your ear to my cry for help, but give me relief!” (3:56 )

[Silent reflection and prayer]
All:  Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.


A Story from Gaza:  The Christians of Gaza

Of the 2.3 million Palestinians living (and dying) in Gaza, less than 1,000 are Christians; the rest are Muslim. Christians worship at St. Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church, Holy Family Catholic Church and sporadically at Gaza Baptist church. St. Porphyrius is one of the oldest Christian churches in the world.

All three churches have been attacked during Israel’s current war on Gaza. An Israeli airstrike hit St. Porphyrius on October 19, 2023, killing 18 people, wounding others, and severely damaging the church building. The church was struck again in July 2024. Holy Family Church was seriously damaged, and a church-run school was destroyed by airstrikes in late 2023. Israeli snipers killed a mother and her daughter as they walked through the church compound on December 16. The Baptist church was severely damaged by an Israeli tank shell just after Christmas. It has been estimated that more than three percent of Gaza’s Christians have been killed.

With the spectre of death hanging over them, the churches continue to witness to the way of Jesus. They continue to gather for worship, to offer the sacraments, and to baptize, confirm and marry their congregants. Amidst great danger and dire shortages, they shelter and feed hundreds, Christians and Muslims alike. Despite the ruin and the tremendous suffering around them, they hold to their faith, demonstrating love, offering compassion, and practicing Palestinian sumud (steadfastness). In doing so, they embody the defiant hope that God’s reign breaks into Gaza’s devastation.

Drawn from Alain Epp Weaver, “The Church’s Worship in Gaza,” Macrina Magazine, 15 March 2024.

Hymn VT #794 If the War Goes On verse 1 & 3

Prayer and reflection 2

God of Shalom, today we cry out for the woe and waste of warfare in our world.  We pray especially for the children of Gaza who are dying of hunger, and their caretakers – men and women and siblings – in anguish at their helplessness.   We join the Psalmist and the writer of Lamentations:

From the Psalms:
God, listen! Listen to my prayer, listen to the pain in my cries. Don’t turn your back on me just when I need you so desperately. Pay attention! This is a cry for help.  And hurry—this can’t wait! (Psalm 102:1-2 The Message)

From the book of Lamentations:
The tongue of the sucking child cleaves to the roof of its mouth for thirst:  the young children ask for bread and no one gives it to them (4:4)
They say to their mothers, where is corn and wine? (2:12)
Those slain with the sword are better than those slain with hunger (4:9)
My children are desolate, because the enemy has prevailed (1:16)
We are become orphans and fatherless (5:3)
Young and old lie on the ground in the streets  (2:21)
You heard my plea, “Do not close your ear to my cry for help, but give me relief!” (3:56)

[Silent reflection and prayer]

All:   Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer.

Hymn VT #794 If the War Goes On verse 5


Prayer for this Warring World

God of angel armies, hear our prayer
for your beloved world.
Cast out the demon of bomb dropping.
Cast out the demon of rocket hurling.
Cast out the demon of bullet shooting.
Cast out the demon of hostage holding.
Cast out the demon of civilian persecuting.
Cast out the demon of ceasefire breaking.
Cast out the demon of perpetual despairing,
that would tell us there is no way to peace.

God, you are an impossibility specialist.
Send down angels to melt frozen hearts.
Send down angels to protect civilians.
Send down angels to destroy weapons.
Send down angels to negotiate treaties that last.
Send down angels to gather a scattered people.
Send down angels to heal a broken nation.
Send down angels with good news of great joy
which shall be for all people,
all people who live in this warring world.

Copyright Carol Penner




Ladies Walking group

The gardens were so full of colour last week that we thought we would come back for one more look this week.
On Tuesday, October 8, we return at 10:30 a.m. to Rosetta McClain Gardens at 5 Glen Everest Road (Kingston Road and Birchmount) for a one-hour stroll through the gardens.

An email will go out on Monday October 7 to confirm the place and time.

If you need to be picked up or dropped off, please check in with fellow walkers or email Bonnie.



We are collecting Food Bank donations through Thanksgiving. 

There are in Canada, one million persons now augmenting their food requirements via Food Banks.

Through to Thanksgiving, Outreach and Services Committee would like to encourage Danforth members to collect needed non-perishable food items for local food banks. We have connections with two – Nourish East End Food Bank at 1470 Gerrard St. at Glen Rhodes United Church, just west of Coxwell Avenue and Teasdale Community Food Bank at 40 Teasdale Ave., near Crescent Town apartments near Danforth and Victoria Park Avenue. Fazal and Murray volunteer alternately at Nourish East End Foodbank on Wednesday mornings.

Container Baskets are provided in the church foyer near the door to the Sanctuary or Meeting Room.

The most needed non-perishable food items are: 

  • Canned soups/canned pastas (spaghetti)
  • Dried pastas
  • Canned fish – tuna, salmon, sardines
  • Canned meat – Spam, canned hams, other canned meats
  • Boxed Mac’n cheese – eg. Kraft Dinner
  • Soap in bars

Cash/cheque/E-transfers are also requested, which can be donated through Church Treasurer, Roger H., earmarked for Nourish East End Foodbank and/or Teasdale Community Food Bank.

The reasoning is that Food Banks need cash to purchase items they do not receive from Daily Bread Foodbank and Second Harvest. They are often short of meat protein and/or milk so the Director purchases these from cash donations. The Director at Nourish East End Foodbank goes shopping for food items that are in short supply like meat and milk or any items that are on sale, so cash donations are very valuable for the food banks.
Thank you for your generosity,
Outreach and Services Committee –
Barb, Murray, Leslie, Ray


Worship Schedule reminder

October 13 – Thanksgiving weekend
Message                    Robert J.
Worship leader     Mike D.
Song Leader
Musicians                 (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                  Leslie S., Tessa R.
ZOOM host           Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                 Roger H.

October 20
Message                     Carol O.
Worship leader      Bonnie W.
Song Leader             Bonnie W.
Musicians                  Roger H. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                     Leslie S., Tessa R.
ZOOM host              Mike D.
A/V Tech                    Fazal S.



Hurricane Helene Update
from Mennonite Disaster Service

Hurricane Helene made landfall on Thursday evening September 26, as a Category 4 hurricane in the Big Bend area of Florida. The storm pushed inland into Georgia, South and North Carolina and southern Virginia. Western North Carolina appears to be especially hard hit.

For the next few days MDS volunteers will be clearing roads, removing trees and other debris in the Asheville area that has been hit by Hurricane Helene. We are investigating and monitoring the area to see if MDS can expand our response.



Hybrid Event
Saturday, November 16, 2024, 1 – 5 p.m.

Dear Friends in Peace,

It is very exciting for me to announce the upcoming Annual Conference, Voices for Peace, which has returned after a hiatus of two years.  Now, more than ever, such a Conference is needed.  This year, we are honoured to have, as our guest speaker, an Indigenous Elder well-known for his wisdom and story-telling, Adrian Jacobs (an Indigenous Six Nations man, who spoke at Danforth maybe more than a decade ago.)  This event is organized by several faith-based organizations and faith communities; however, its content and spirit is open and very relevant to, all people who long for a path to Peace.

The afternoon will be very interactive with music, story-telling, group-sharing, and a special art installation on the theme of Peace. We will leave feeling inspired, wiser, and supported by a community walking the path together.  So that as many as possible can experience this gift, the event will be hybrid.  It will be in-person at the Church of the Redeemer and online.   The event is FREE, and donations are invited.


Please pass this invitation on to all your friends, family, contacts and networks.  It will be our pleasure to welcome all!



White Poppy Peace campaign

Tessa R. has again this year, made us a selection of white poppies
Continue to wear a white poppy.

You can find more here –



The service on October 6 is cancelled.



Willowgrove’s Helping Hand Hootenanny Fundraiser

Join us on Saturday, October 26th from 5-7pm and help send kids to camp with folk music, food, and friends! All proceeds go towards supporting our Helping Hand Subsidy Program – providing subsidies for kids in need so that everyone can attend Willowgrove’s programs. Tickets can be purchased at







In Summary, upcoming events:

At Danforth

8  Ladies walking group – Rosetta McClain
12 Men’s breakfast
15 Ladies walking group
22 Ladies walking group
29 Ladies walking group

Wider Church

18-19 Towards a Justice that transforms
26 Helping Hand Hootenanny Fundraiser

Community corner
1 – 27  Apple picking at Willowgrove
12  Mark B.

Sunday, September 29, 2024 bulletin


 We welcome all guests who have joined us.


Danforth Mennonite Church
September 29, 2024  11:00 a.m.
Order of Service

Words of Welcome / Land Acknowledgement

 Call to Worship (VT #854)


 Hymn: VT #78  Oh, for a Thousand Tongues


 Story for Big Kids

 Prayers of the people

 Hymn:  VT #791  Let Justice Flow Down

 Scripture Reading:  Acts 3: 1-10

 Message:  The Firm Foundation and the Leaping Hills

 Hymn of Response:  VT #364  All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name



Leading Us in Worship
Message                             Jim W.
Worship Leader              Dalton J.
Song Leader                     Kathy W.
Musicians                          Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                             Cindy R., Bethany W.
Zoom Host                         Bonnie W.
A/V Technician                Don B.

The September Hymn of the month is VT #791  Let Justice Flow Down


Adult discussion class

This Sunday we carry on with our deep dive into what the church is all about. We will be engaging with the chapter entitled, The Church as Teacher.  
All are invited, all are needed, all are welcome.


Scripture reading
Acts 3:1-10 (NRSV)

Acts 3:1 One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, at three o’clock in the afternoon.
2 And a man lame from birth was being carried in. People would lay him daily at the gate of the temple called the Beautiful Gate so that he could ask for alms from those entering the temple.
3 When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked them for alms.
4 Peter looked intently at him, as did John, and said, “Look at us.”
5 And he fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them.
6 But Peter said, “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.”
7 And he took him by the right hand and raised him up; and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong.
8 Jumping up, he stood and began to walk, and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.
9 All the people saw him walking and praising God,
10 and they recognized him as the one who used to sit and ask for alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.



A “dish with one spoon” was often mentioned by Indigenous peoples while making treaties with one another to avoid violent conflict. The “dish” represents the land that is to be shared peacefully and the “spoon” represents the individuals living on and using the resources of the land in a spirit of mutual co-operation. Often, a bowl or kettle was referred to rather than a dish.

Recently, many scholars and Indigenous peoples have come to believe that the dish with one spoon concept can raise awareness regarding ecological and environmental sustainability. One of the core values within the idea of a dish with one spoon is that those who use the land should not abuse the land. In other words, individuals and groups should only take what they need from the land so that there will be a healthy, long-term, sustainable environment. When speaking on this point, Anishinaabe and Métis historian and educator Karine Duhamel wrote that “all participants in the agreement [or treaty] had the responsibility to ensure that the dish would never be empty by taking care of the land and all of the living beings on it.”




Ladies Walking group
is back

On Tuesday, October 1, we will be meeting at 10:30 a.m. at Rosetta McClain Gardens at 5 Glen Everest Road (Kingston Road and Birchmount) for a one-hour stroll through the gardens.

An email will go out on Monday September 30 to confirm the place and time.
If you need to be picked up or dropped off, please check in with fellow walkers or email Bonnie.


We were excited to hear from Ed F’s family that he is expecting to go home in mid-October (with PSW support).  This is great news.  In the meantime, he would welcome visitors. 


We are collecting Food Bank donations through Thanksgiving. 

There are in Canada, one million persons now augmenting their food requirements via Food Banks.

Through to Thanksgiving, Outreach and Services Committee would like to encourage Danforth members to collect needed non-perishable food items for local food banks. We have connections with two – Nourish East End Food Bank at 1470 Gerrard St. at Glen Rhodes United Church, just west of Coxwell Avenue and Teasdale Community Food Bank at 40 Teasdale Ave., near Crescent Town apartments near Danforth and Victoria Park Avenue. Fazal and Murray volunteer alternately at Nourish East End Foodbank on Wednesday mornings.
Container Baskets are provided in the church foyer near the door to the Sanctuary or Meeting Room.
The most needed non-perishable food items are: 

  • Canned soups/canned pastas (spaghetti)
  • Dried pastas
  • Canned fish – tuna, salmon, sardines
  • Canned meat – Spam, canned hams, other canned meats
  • Boxed Mac’n cheese – eg. Kraft Dinner
  • Soap in bars

Cash/cheque/E-transfers are also requested, which can be donated through Church Treasurer, Roger H., earmarked for Nourish East End Foodbank and/or Teasdale Community Food Bank.
The reasoning is that Food Banks need cash to purchase items they do not receive from Daily Bread Foodbank and Second Harvest. They are often short of meat protein and/or milk so the Director purchases these from cash donations. The Director at Nourish East End Foodbank goes shopping for food items that are in short supply like meat and milk or any items that are on sale, so cash donations are very valuable for the food banks.
Thank you for your generosity,
Outreach and Services Committee –
Barb, Murray, Leslie, Ray


Worship Schedule reminder

October 6
Worship leader Sue S.
Song Leader        Sue S.
Musicians             Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                Cindy R., Bethany W.
ZOOM host         Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                Murray L.

October 13 – Thanksgiving weekend
Message                    Robert J.
Worship leader     Mike D.
Song Leader
Musicians                (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                   Leslie S., Tessa R.
ZOOM host            Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                  Roger H.




White Poppy Peace campaign

Tessa Rose has again this year, made us a selection of white poppies
Continue to wear a white poppy.

You can find more here –



Join us for

Sept. 29 The Joy of Music
…. an evening of special music including The Chimers (who meet weekly at SCOC). This will also begin at 7 pm.



Willowgrove’s Helping Hand Hootenanny Fundraiser

Join us on Saturday, October 26th from 5-7pm and help send kids to camp with folk music, food, and friends! All proceeds go towards supporting our Helping Hand Subsidy Program – providing subsidies for kids in need so that everyone can attend Willowgrove’s programs. Tickets can be purchased at




In Summary, upcoming events:

At Danforth
1  Ladies walking group – Rosetta McClain
8  Ladies walking group –
12 Men’s breakfast
15 Ladies walking group
22 Ladies walking group
29 Ladies walking group

Wider Church
29  SCOC The Joy of Music

18-19 Towards a Justice that transforms
26 Helping Hand Hootenanny Fundraiser

Community corner
29 – Oct. 27  Apple picking at Willowgrove
30  National Day of Truth and Reconciliation