Church Life

Members, friends and visitors gather at the Danforth Mennonite Church each Sunday, for a time of worship, a time of learning and sharing, and a time of fellowship. We seek to develop through this time, a closer connection to God, a deeper understanding of what it means to be followers of Christ, a significant sense of community with each other, and a strong base of support and encouragement for the commitment each of us has made, to become and be, God’s people in our own worlds and on the Danforth.

We welcome you to join us.

We are committed to providing a nurturing environment for each other, our children, and those who join us as searchers. Our Christian Education program is very flexible and needs are met as they are presented.

Servanthood, as demonstrated in Christ’s life, is important to us and we seek ways to be practically involved.

The challenge in community outreach is not finding areas in which to be involved, rather, in finding ways to serve that are not beyond our capabilities.

As we attempt to be Church, we find ourselves spending quality times together in various groupings; in worship, in study, in giving and receiving support and affirmation in our personal lives, in service projects in the community, in planning and developing, and in wonderfully fun social events. We cherish our feeling of belonging and invite you to this “Banquet Feast” of a Toronto Mennonite congregation.