Sunday, September 29, 2024 bulletin


 We welcome all guests who have joined us.


Danforth Mennonite Church
September 29, 2024  11:00 a.m.
Order of Service

Words of Welcome / Land Acknowledgement

 Call to Worship (VT #854)


 Hymn: VT #78  Oh, for a Thousand Tongues


 Story for Big Kids

 Prayers of the people

 Hymn:  VT #791  Let Justice Flow Down

 Scripture Reading:  Acts 3: 1-10

 Message:  The Firm Foundation and the Leaping Hills

 Hymn of Response:  VT #364  All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name



Leading Us in Worship
Message                             Jim W.
Worship Leader              Dalton J.
Song Leader                     Kathy W.
Musicians                          Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                             Cindy R., Bethany W.
Zoom Host                         Bonnie W.
A/V Technician                Don B.

The September Hymn of the month is VT #791  Let Justice Flow Down


Adult discussion class

This Sunday we carry on with our deep dive into what the church is all about. We will be engaging with the chapter entitled, The Church as Teacher.  
All are invited, all are needed, all are welcome.


Scripture reading
Acts 3:1-10 (NRSV)

Acts 3:1 One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, at three o’clock in the afternoon.
2 And a man lame from birth was being carried in. People would lay him daily at the gate of the temple called the Beautiful Gate so that he could ask for alms from those entering the temple.
3 When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he asked them for alms.
4 Peter looked intently at him, as did John, and said, “Look at us.”
5 And he fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them.
6 But Peter said, “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.”
7 And he took him by the right hand and raised him up; and immediately his feet and ankles were made strong.
8 Jumping up, he stood and began to walk, and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.
9 All the people saw him walking and praising God,
10 and they recognized him as the one who used to sit and ask for alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.



A “dish with one spoon” was often mentioned by Indigenous peoples while making treaties with one another to avoid violent conflict. The “dish” represents the land that is to be shared peacefully and the “spoon” represents the individuals living on and using the resources of the land in a spirit of mutual co-operation. Often, a bowl or kettle was referred to rather than a dish.

Recently, many scholars and Indigenous peoples have come to believe that the dish with one spoon concept can raise awareness regarding ecological and environmental sustainability. One of the core values within the idea of a dish with one spoon is that those who use the land should not abuse the land. In other words, individuals and groups should only take what they need from the land so that there will be a healthy, long-term, sustainable environment. When speaking on this point, Anishinaabe and Métis historian and educator Karine Duhamel wrote that “all participants in the agreement [or treaty] had the responsibility to ensure that the dish would never be empty by taking care of the land and all of the living beings on it.”




Ladies Walking group
is back

On Tuesday, October 1, we will be meeting at 10:30 a.m. at Rosetta McClain Gardens at 5 Glen Everest Road (Kingston Road and Birchmount) for a one-hour stroll through the gardens.

An email will go out on Monday September 30 to confirm the place and time.
If you need to be picked up or dropped off, please check in with fellow walkers or email Bonnie.


We were excited to hear from Ed F’s family that he is expecting to go home in mid-October (with PSW support).  This is great news.  In the meantime, he would welcome visitors. 


We are collecting Food Bank donations through Thanksgiving. 

There are in Canada, one million persons now augmenting their food requirements via Food Banks.

Through to Thanksgiving, Outreach and Services Committee would like to encourage Danforth members to collect needed non-perishable food items for local food banks. We have connections with two – Nourish East End Food Bank at 1470 Gerrard St. at Glen Rhodes United Church, just west of Coxwell Avenue and Teasdale Community Food Bank at 40 Teasdale Ave., near Crescent Town apartments near Danforth and Victoria Park Avenue. Fazal and Murray volunteer alternately at Nourish East End Foodbank on Wednesday mornings.
Container Baskets are provided in the church foyer near the door to the Sanctuary or Meeting Room.
The most needed non-perishable food items are: 

  • Canned soups/canned pastas (spaghetti)
  • Dried pastas
  • Canned fish – tuna, salmon, sardines
  • Canned meat – Spam, canned hams, other canned meats
  • Boxed Mac’n cheese – eg. Kraft Dinner
  • Soap in bars

Cash/cheque/E-transfers are also requested, which can be donated through Church Treasurer, Roger H., earmarked for Nourish East End Foodbank and/or Teasdale Community Food Bank.
The reasoning is that Food Banks need cash to purchase items they do not receive from Daily Bread Foodbank and Second Harvest. They are often short of meat protein and/or milk so the Director purchases these from cash donations. The Director at Nourish East End Foodbank goes shopping for food items that are in short supply like meat and milk or any items that are on sale, so cash donations are very valuable for the food banks.
Thank you for your generosity,
Outreach and Services Committee –
Barb, Murray, Leslie, Ray


Worship Schedule reminder

October 6
Worship leader Sue S.
Song Leader        Sue S.
Musicians             Jessica M. (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                Cindy R., Bethany W.
ZOOM host         Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                Murray L.

October 13 – Thanksgiving weekend
Message                    Robert J.
Worship leader     Mike D.
Song Leader
Musicians                (piano), Ray W. (tuba)
Greeters                   Leslie S., Tessa R.
ZOOM host            Bonnie W.
A/V Tech                  Roger H.




White Poppy Peace campaign

Tessa Rose has again this year, made us a selection of white poppies
Continue to wear a white poppy.

You can find more here –



Join us for

Sept. 29 The Joy of Music
…. an evening of special music including The Chimers (who meet weekly at SCOC). This will also begin at 7 pm.



Willowgrove’s Helping Hand Hootenanny Fundraiser

Join us on Saturday, October 26th from 5-7pm and help send kids to camp with folk music, food, and friends! All proceeds go towards supporting our Helping Hand Subsidy Program – providing subsidies for kids in need so that everyone can attend Willowgrove’s programs. Tickets can be purchased at




In Summary, upcoming events:

At Danforth
1  Ladies walking group – Rosetta McClain
8  Ladies walking group –
12 Men’s breakfast
15 Ladies walking group
22 Ladies walking group
29 Ladies walking group

Wider Church
29  SCOC The Joy of Music

18-19 Towards a Justice that transforms
26 Helping Hand Hootenanny Fundraiser

Community corner
29 – Oct. 27  Apple picking at Willowgrove
30  National Day of Truth and Reconciliation